Personal Development - The Secret of "The Secret"

since its release in 2004 many people of the present generations around the world have discovered something that a lot of people knew for thousands of years before. "The Secret" movie and book have been phenomenally successful with its method of using your thoughts to change your life.

Of course it works, it works very well - the thing is that most people expected instant results, which I guess is a symptom of this world we've created of instant gratification. After a couple of days of positive thoughts and visualisation most people expected their dreams to materialise and that the money truck would back up to their house and unload. Of course that's not the way it works, but as most people expected it to be like that they lost interest after a few days, claimed it didn't work and went back to living their lives the way they always had been.
It's sad really because the law of attraction is a very real thing that has been proven scientifically. It's just that it takes time, consistency, commitment, faith and all the other things that the majority place in the too-hard-basket. It has been said many times that successful people do the things that unsuccessful people don't like to do - that concept applies here too. Most of the people in the Secret professed that the principles taught had to be incorporated into your life every day, every week, every month in order for results to start showing up. That's not instant gratification in any form.
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To enjoy the results of the law of attraction, you must avoid another irrefutable law: "The Law Of Diminishing Intent". That law states that a few hours, days, weeks, or months after starting something new your passion and commitment level will drop, especially if results aren't forthcoming. It works like the average gym membership. Many people get signed up at the gym soon after January 1st. In the first few weeks of any New Year the gym is crowded with people striving towards their New Year's Resolution of health and fitness - you have to queue for any piece of equipment. By the end of February you know who the committed people are because they are one of only a handful of people still turning up and the queues are non-existent.
Now let me clarify that this isn't a pessimistic view of us humans, it's just that some people are like that. It also means that you don't have to be. Anything worthwhile, sexy, juicy, tasty, rewarding and beneficial is attainable - you just need to be prepared to put the work in, consistently, then reap the rewards.

Source by Kieron Atkinson


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