The Number One Belief of Successful People Vs Unsuccessful People

The Number One Belief of Successful People Vs Unsuccessful People

What is the difference in beliefs between people-do-in-a-new-job-2014-10″>successful people and unsuccessful people? You can problem name as many differences as I can. For the sake of giving you real information that you can use today, I will focus on the number belief that makes the difference.
What is the number one belief?

People who are achieve results base their success on their resourcefulness rather than their resources!
Meaning they make the most of what they have. They find the information they need. They do not wait for resources like time, effort, money, or anything else to stop they from gaining success.
Problem: So you want to be more resourceful, but not sure how to do it?
First identify what it is that is standing in between where you are and where you want to be.

Second, get creative. Asking for help, looking for answers at your library, or find someone who having the results you want. No matter what do not stop looking until you find what you are looking for.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe -
Successful people have figured this out. Unsuccessful people will always find reasons or things they lack that stands between them and success. When you read the story of successful people you quickly realize that they were in search of results no matter what it takes. If it requires going without sleep, they do it. If it requires money, they sell stuff. If it requires information, they find it.

Source by John T.S. Murphy


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